Carry it, please, Mbah

There is some busyness to be expected, whether in the midst of bustle or silence, at Beringharjo Market in Yogyakarta. The calls from buyers as well as sellers are something that is eagerly awaited. There are these strong women at kiosks, stalls, and street corners – eagerly anticipating hearing their names called.

They may not be young, but their spirit is youthful. Their wrinkles are symbols of resilience rather than signs of age. They are dedicated to the universe for all they have received and achieved.

“Alhamdulillah, no matter how much it is, it is God’s blessing,” they say.

For them, the weight they carry is a grace. Each day, they shoulder a two-digit kilogram load of various spices, vegetables, meat, and other food ingredients, carrying it firmly on their backs, up and down flight of stairs, and across the market.

Their bodies may not be as muscular as bodybuilders, but their muscles have been trained for a long time.

This collection of photos captures these women exactly as they are, telling their stories through visuals that can be recognized with the heart and mind. Their footprints will remain eternal, and all who inhabit the market will remember their kindness and sincerity.

The porters at Beringharjo Market epitomize the dedication to life.