Hendra Eka terpilih sebagai penerima Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam, program khusus untuk alumni Permata Photojournalist Grant 2011-2019. Meski keberangkatan sempat tertunda selama dua tahun karena pandemi COVID-19, Hendra akhirnya berhasil menuntaskan beasiswa ke Belanda pada Juli-Agustus 2022.

Selama di Belanda, dia mengerjakan proyek foto dokumenter bertajuk “Lisette” yang menceritakan seorang pekerja seks profesional yang melayani penyandang disabilitas. Berbekal riset yang matang dan pengalaman sebagai pewarta foto profesional, Hendra berhasil menjalin kedekatan dan mendapatkan kepercayaan dari Lisette. Foto-foto yang dia ciptakan terasa menyentuh dan tidak berjarak, serta membawa kita menjadi bagian dari keseharian Lisette, turut merasakan momen intim perempuan ini dengan para kliennya.

Mari simak kisah Lisette, dituturkan oleh Hendra Eka dalam Presentasi & Diskusi Foto “ERASMUS FELLOWSHIP TO AMSTERDAM 2022” yang sekaligus menjadi momentum peluncuran buku foto “Lisette” ke publik.


Waktu: Kamis, 16 Maret 2023

Pukul:  16.30-18.00 WIB

Lokasi: Erasmus Huis, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3, Kuningan, Jakarta

Selama presentasi, Hendra akan menampilkan foto-foto terpilih, membagi pengalamannya dalam membuat dokumenter yang ia kerjakan selama di Belanda dengan bimbingan Kadir van Lohuizen, serta membuatnya menjadi satu buku foto. Sampai jumpa!



Hendra Eka has been selected as a recipient of the Erasmus Huis Fellowship to Amsterdam—a special program for Permata Photojournalist Grant alumni from 2011 to 2019. Despite being delayed for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hendra was able to complete a scholarship to the Netherlands in July-August 2022.

During his fellowship in the Netherlands, he worked on a documentary photo project, titled “Lisette” that tells a story of a professional sex worker who provides services to people with disabilities. With his thorough research and experience as a professional photojournalist, Hendra was able to establish closeness and gain trust from Lisette. The photos he has taken are touching, and are not distant. The photos take us to be part of Lisette’s daily life, allowing us to experience her intimate moments with her clients.


Come and see Lisette’s story, as told by Hendra Eka in the Photo Presentation & Discussion “ERASMUS FELLOWSHIP TO AMSTERDAM 2022” which will also be a public launch of the photo book “Lisette”.

Date: Thursday, March 16, 2023

Time: 16.30-18.00 WIB

Location: Erasmus Huis, Jl.  H.R.  Rasuna Said Kav.  S-3, Kuningan, Jakarta

During the presentation, Hendra will present the selected photographs, his experience making the documentary project in the Netherlands under the guidance of Kadir van Lohuizen, and compile them into a photo book. See you there!